Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ch. Tiff CD

I have got a new name. I am now
Champion Sherbrooke Tiffany Ale CD
after passing my third Novice trial last night, and getting 3rd place too.
Keith was nervous and Karin had to give him a Mars bar to get his blood sugar up, but we went in and I covered for all his nerves. I gave everybody a fright when I moved my front feet to greet the judge in the stand for exam, (well I always say hello to her when I see her) but I kept my back feet in place.
I feel a bit miffed about it all really, I had to pass three trials to get CCD after my name, then I pass three more, at a higher level, and they take one of my letters off me. Doesn't seem fair does it?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our New Kennel

We have been away for 5 days in our new kennel. We have to share it with the Humans, but we need them to fill the food bowls so it is probably for the best.
Our first trip was to the dog trials at Warrnambool, KnK were judging so we could not compete, but we still had a good run with the other dogs. The new kennel was great, we had lots more room to move and we don't get frightened by the roof moving up and down like we did in the old one.
KnK will be fixing up a few things in it, then we are off again for Easter.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Tiffany

My big sister Tiffany is 2 years old today. We had a bone each to celebrate, Tiffany is shown in the pic as it is her birthday.
In the last year Tiffany has:
Become a Champion of her Breed.
Become a Community Companion Dog in Obedience trials.
Passed 2 Novice Obedience trials.
Competed in Agility, Jumping and Games trials.
Travelled interstate to Vic., NSW, Qld and NT.
Been to the Tip of Cape York.
Visted dog clubs in Vic, NSW, Qld and NT.
Became the Top Lady Dog in the Gundog Club Obedience section.
Played with dogs all over the country.

This is what life is like when you are a Toller.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tiffany Passed!

Tiffany now has TWO passes in Novice after last nights trial. The pic shows her with her sash and card.
It was a team effort. We were both in the crate and I gave her a good talking to, letting her know she had to stay with Keith all the time. I stayed out of sight and kept quiet while Tiffany was working, she did get out of position a bit, but my pre-trial chat helped her to keep up, and she remembered to get back in position. In the stays, my help with distraction training paid off. Tiffany watched another dog break, but she did not move and kept one eye on Keith all the time. Tiffany needs one more pass to get the title Companion Dog, and that could be in 2 weeks time.
My turn in trials is coming up soon; just waiting on Kathy.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Back in Training

Here we are, back in training. I am practising for the Down Stay, and Hannah is being the distraction. Hopefully I will be able to stay still for three minutes on Saturday at the dog trial.
Last week was not too good. I thought I did well, I did all the jumps in the opening sequence of the Snooker Trial, got all the way round the closing sequence up to the last obstacle which was the Weaving Poles, and just because I missed ONE pole, two from the end, they said I failed! Then we did the Gamblers Trial. I got well over the minimum of 20 points in the opening sequence, did the first two jumps in the closing sequence, and just because I ran past the broad jump, one jump from the end, they failed me again. Most unfair.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Holiday Time

We have finished the competitions and now we are on holiday. The pic shows us at Kiama, on our walk along the cliff path.
We had a day out at Dolls Point while the humans visited relatives and we had a walk along the coast. Dogs were not allowed on the beach so we could not have a swim.
Today we are traveling again, heading for home.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hannah - Minor Puppy in Group

Here is Hannah in the show ring getting awarded Minor Puppy in Group at the Sapphire Coast Kennel Club Show. She was magnificent in the ring, performing expertly as though she had done it all her life. Out of the three shows, Hannah made Best of Breed three times and Minor Puppy in Group twice. She is on 48 point towards her Champion Title.
I got so excited for Hannah I messed up in the Trial Ring, only passing 1 trial. It has got Keith worrying about what keeps going wrong. He said I was getting worse, not better. It is all too much excitement for one dog to cope with for so many events in two weeks.