Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Tiffany

My big sister Tiffany is 2 years old today. We had a bone each to celebrate, Tiffany is shown in the pic as it is her birthday.
In the last year Tiffany has:
Become a Champion of her Breed.
Become a Community Companion Dog in Obedience trials.
Passed 2 Novice Obedience trials.
Competed in Agility, Jumping and Games trials.
Travelled interstate to Vic., NSW, Qld and NT.
Been to the Tip of Cape York.
Visted dog clubs in Vic, NSW, Qld and NT.
Became the Top Lady Dog in the Gundog Club Obedience section.
Played with dogs all over the country.

This is what life is like when you are a Toller.


  1. Happy Birthday Tiffany
    From all of TeamJsphs

  2. from Mini Mac - I am 3 today!

    Mum took me to the vet tonight to get my tonsils, or lack there-of checked, and also my boy bits. Then we went to the racecourse for a run. Mum said it was a special treat to go out by myself but I missed running off with Gracie and Billy. Then we went to SAODC, it rained the minute we walked in the gate so I got to wait in the car but Mum didn’t take her class so we came home early.

    Hope you had a great birthday Tiff.
