Monday, July 13, 2015

Tiffany, Tracker Dog

Tiffany has qualified for her Tracking Dog title. We were at Monarto on Saturday, up before the crack of dawn to get there by 7:00am. Tiffany was the first to go on her track, where she had to find a total stranger. It was cold, wet and windy, but Tiffany got down to business straight away and took off along the first leg of the track. She got the first corner and then found the first sock giving a good indication of the find. ( She pounced on it, shook it and then threw it at Keith). On the second leg she was a little upwind but got back on the track despite Keith trying to keep up. The second corner was near trees and Tiffany went sniffing a little, but got back to work and found the second sock. The last leg was a gentle curve that Tiffany followed and found the tracklayer at the end of it. She was rated Very Good.
I did my Track 4 test. It was later in the day, still cold but the sun was out.  I had 4 turns to track, and I got a bit tired towards the end. The wind blew the scent around and I wanted to wind scent, but I still managed to find a sock and I worked my way round the course and found the track layer at the end. I must have walked 3 times the distance as I was quatering a lot, and that was what got me so tired. I was given a Pass for the test, so I need only 2 more tracks to get my Tracking Dog Excellent title.

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