Sunday, March 18, 2012

Snooker Dog

Look what they did to me! I won the Novice Snooker trial last night, which gets me the title Snooker Dog and the letters SD after my name, and then they stick me in the bath as a reward! Well I've got news for them if they think this is a reward.
I was in Agility Excellent too and nearly passed. I went past the start of the weaving poles and got a refusal which non-qualified me, but I did not hear Keith say "Gaps" so how was I to know where I was supposed to go? We did the rest of the course well and under time. If I had got the weaving poles on the first attempt I would have passed agility excellent too.
The Masters Jumping was not as good, but I did have a nice run. It was not my fault that the judge put the numbers on the wrong obstacles.
Grandmother Nike did very well in the Snooker trial too, she qualified and got her Snooker Dog Masters title, so we made it a family affair.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Tiffany, you are very clever and I like the way you keep Keith on his toes.
    You look like you are singing a happy tune.

    Hey, I got my Excellent Snooker title on Saturday. My mum was very happy but then she was sad cos I'm in Masters now. I don't know what that means, I'll just keep doing what I do best - having fun.
    Love Summa
