Sunday, March 7, 2010

One Year Old today

I have been alive for a year today. KnK dressed me up in a silly hat and put a birthday cake in front of me for the picture and told me to look happy. Well, would you?
I have had a good time in my first twelve months, I have seen Lake Eyre with water in it, seen Parliament House in Canberra, crossed desserts, been in floods, climbed mountains and played in rivers. I have 78 points towards my show title and would have had a CCD in obedience if I had not come in season just before the trials. Not every day was good. There was the time I got bitten by an insect and my face was swollen, then I got my foot stuck in a chair and could not walk for a day, and there was the time the mad dog attacked me at Tailem Bend, but overall my first year has been a good time.


  1. Some people had problems posting a comment. This was done as Anonymous. The Preview button does not work but the comment was posted.

  2. Another test This worked if you are logged in to your google account and this time the preview button worked.

  3. So now anyone can comment. I just have to check each comment before I publish it just to make sure the comment is legitimate.

  4. Hi Tiffany, hope you had a happy birthday. Don't worry about the humans making you wear funny hats, my mum has been making me do silly stuff like that for ten years now. Humans are a bit strange sometimes but I figure hey it's just a funny hat and then I get roast chicken. Was it a chicken cake??
    Luv Buffy
