Thursday, May 14, 2009

Scary Things

Every dog needs a hobby, and I have discovered the Joy of Leaves. I have started a Leaf Collection and already have lots of them. The pic shows me selecting a particularly fine example. My leaves are all kept by my bed, but somehow they keep disappearing. I will have to keep an eye on them to see where they go.
There have been some scary things happening. Last night the TV started playing through the stereo system and that made the floor shake. Well I was off like a shot and hid under the bed and would not come out until it stopped. It does not normally do that, this time they were playing a DVD, maybe that was what did it.
Then today I was having a mid-afternoon nap when the floor started shaking again, but this time there was a high pitched whine as well. I saw Keith wrestling with this monster that was trying to run away, but Keith had hold of its tail and kept dragging it back. They went all over the carpet like that. When I got a chance, I slipped out to the garden and hid in the agapanthus. Eventually Keith must have won because he came and got me and there was no sign of the monster. Keith called it a Vacuum Cleaner. Maybe it is the Vacuum Cleaner monster that keeps stealing my leaf collection.

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