Sunday, December 20, 2009

December Doldrums

Everybody is making a fuss about Christmas coming, but it is ho-hum to me! KnK keep going out and leaving me behind, so I do not see why I should get excited about that. They did come back with a new toy, a snake, but I had the squeaker out of that within the hour. Hardly a challenge at all.
We went to look at a new caravan, they took turns at looking inside but they would not let me in to check it out. I guess my opinion is not worth much. Even when I got to play with some new people at the caravan yard, they were only paying casual attention to me, with their main focus on talking about the caravans.
Ah well, I will just lie here and look at the ceiling until somebody notices me.
I have put a link to KnK's travel blog, so that when we are on the road every one will know where I am. It is on the left of the page.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my friends.
I am going to another Christmas Party tonight at the Gundog Club. Last week we went to the SAODC Christmas Party. Rob the Head Instructor was dressed in his old red pyjamas and every body called him Santa, but he still smelled like Rob to me.
KnK have been getting ready for Christmas, we are going to Audrey's on Christmas day, so I will have someone to play with. Its my first Christmas, so I am not sure what to expect, but it will involve me finding something to chew or bark at.
The pic shows us dressed for Christmas wearing silly hats. Kathy had to hold me down to stop me from ripping my hat off and giving it a good chewing!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Portland Shows

Three shows at Portland and I get 3 Best of Breeds. This takes me to 54 points, over halfway to a Champion. Pic shows me being prepared for the Sunday show.
We are in the caravan again, where I have a big run at the back and I can get into the annex and the van. KNK get upset if I run outside and then jump up on the beds and leave muddy footprints, but when you are halfway to a champion, you can get away with murder.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

No Harm Done

After the dog shows I went to the coast for a paddle in the sea, a romp on the beach and a play with this big Bernese Mountain Dog. He had a Pyrenean Mountain Dog as a friend and we all played together. It just goes to show it not how big you are, its how you behave that counts.
Beachport was much more enjoyable than Tailem Bend.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

36 Points

36% of a Champion after 3 Best of Breed awards at the Millicent shows. It was hot again, but fortunately my cool coat is working very well, keeping me very comfortable all day.
The trip down here was a bit of a horror story. We stopped in Tailem Bend for a break. I was on my lead and while Keith was getting a poo bag out of the car a Staffy Cross beast attacked me. Keith grabbed it by the tail and pulled it back but it slipped through his hand and attacked me again. This time Keith grabbed its leg and pulled it away, but it wriggled free and came at me for a third time. Keith swung me up over his shoulder and kicked the vicious brute away. The owner of this public menace then ran up, grabbed the Hell Hound and dragged it away. He did apologise, but that was too late. His wife and two children were there too, it must be only a matter of time before the vicious mad dog attacks one of the kids. Fortunately for me Keith did stop the crazed killer from actually contacting, but it did frighten me.
Anyway, after Keith changed his shirt because it got wet during the attacks, we were on our way to another 18 Point week end.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hot Days

Hot days are not my thing. I was bred for the cold in Nova Scotia, so I have to find ways to keep cool.
The best way so far is to attack the water as it comes out of the hose when the garden is getting its drink.
I hide in the house during the day as it is usually cooler in there, but when the sun goes down then its party time!

My first points video has just been released, see the Video Link to the left of the screen.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Best Of Breed

I did it! I won Best Of Breed at the Mount Gambier show. I am now 6% of a champion, with only 94 more points to get.
It was so exhausting I had to have a sleep and was too tired to wake up for the photo, but there I am with my Best of Breed certificate.
Pity I can not be in the other shows down here, but we have to go to the trials.
I have a new fence for the caravan that has a gate in it so KnK can get out without falling over, but it is too big for me to escape from, yet. I got out of the other one, given time I will get out of this one. As soon as I wake up I will start planning the big break.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Preparing for the Show

Here I am, all prettied up. I have been bathed, brushed and blow-dried so I will look my best for the show this week end.
KnK have been getting the caravan ready, and I have been finding things to chew. Drink bottles, pens, wire-ties, anything really, just so they don't forget I am here.
I have been learning how to stand, sit, lie down and come on command, and I have also been teaching KnK to close doors and put things away, because if they don't, I find their things and give them a good chewing.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Breakfast at Tiffany's

I have completely recovered from my recent illness, thanks to Dr. Sally, so that I was able to have friends over for a visit. Charlie and Scruff have come to stay with me for a few days. The pic shows us having breakfast on the patio. Charlie is the collie and Scruff is the terrier.
We have been playing chasey all over the garden and have flattened the plants under the trees. There is now a running track that starts near the BBQ, runs through the trees and bushes, across the lawn, behind the clothes line, into the bushes, round the bird-bath and then back again.
We got so tired that KnK separated us all and made us have a sleep.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Insect Bite.

Today I had a day out in the Barossa and the Adelaide Hills. We got back and I found an insect to play with. Unfortunately it was not very friendly because it bit me.
I had a wobbly fit, I threw up, emptied my bowel, and then my face puffed up. It made me look like a Shar-Pei.
KnK took me to the vet where I got a needle in my bum and a few tests done, then I was declared OK. How could they say I was OK when I looked like I had been hit in the face with a shovel?
Even my ears had swollen up to be twice as thick as they should be.

I should be in intensive care, being waited on paw and paw, having lightly grilled rare steak forced between my lips, not sent home with a sore bum from the needle and a face like Mike Tyson's punch bag.
Still, it is close to bed time, and my face is getting back to normal, so maybe the jab is working.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wet and Windy

We got home from the Whyalla Trials just as the storms hit. I stayed inside and supervised through the door while KnK parked the van and unpacked in the rain.
The storms have been going on all week with ice on the ground one morning, and lots of leaves and twigs all over the place. The really bad part about this is I have been restricted on my walks so I have had to find other ways to exercise. I can jump on to a table with no help, but that upsets the staff. I can run round the lounge, out through the family room and under the coffee tables, and KnK can't catch me. Kathy has put her stuff higher up on shelves, but I can still get to them. She is just teaching me to be more adventurous in my games. It is amazing what a dog can climb up when she reall wants to get to something.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Port Germein

We are mobile again, this time going to Whyalla for the dog trials. We stopped at Port Germein on the way, mainly because Kathy likes staying there, but also because we started out too late to get to Whyalla.
The Port Germein Caravan Park is right on the beach front near the longest wooden Jetty in SA. I went walking and sniffing along the beach and got home hungry enough to eat a horse, but all I got was dog food in my Royal Albert food bowl. See Pic.
Today we were off early and got to Whyalla by 10:30 am. We set up camp on the beach front next to Freki from the dog club, and I have been up and down the beach again. I am ready for a sleep now.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Eating Outside

We had dinner outside on the weekend. I could run about in the garden and still see the steaks cooking on the BBQ. The Bug Zapper was crackling moths and making funny noises so I barked at it a few times, but it did not make any difference.
There were chocolate scented candles on the wall, KnK were on the wine, and I got all the scraps. A perfect evening.
The pic shows me on Keith's chair, but the plate was too far away, and the wine glass was empty, so I just sat there for the picture.
We should do this more often now the weather looks like it is warming up.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Things to do on a rainy day

Keith spent an hour or so changing the battery in his watch, then left it for a while. I thought the wrist strap was too long, so I trimmed it. See photo.

Another good game, get some paper and shred it, then leave a paper trail all over the house.

But the best game on a rainy day is to run outside, play in the garden, then run inside and leave muddy footprints everywhere.

I think we will be heading off on another tour soon, because KnK keep talking about taking me to a cliff top and seeing how long it takes for me to get to the bottom.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Life is tough for a Toller

I have such a busy life, BBQ on Sunday, Gundog Club Monday, SA Dog Club Tuesday, shopping trips, banking, the list goes on and on. I am lucky I get a few minutes on my day bed these days.
I turn 6 months old on the 7th, Keith said thats the end of my puppy hood and its about time I grew up and started earning my keep. We have already graduated into Grade one at the dog club, and Kathy is teaching me to work for a Show, but I still prefer to jump on people and give them a good licking.
We have started playing new games. They used to throw a toy and I would run and fetch it, but now they hide it sometimes and I have to find it. Sometimes Kathy hides round the corner of the house while Keith holds me, Kathy throws the toy duck onto the lawn, then I run out and get it. Great fun and it gets the humans out of the house for a while.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lake Bonny, Barmera

There is water back in Lake Bonny. There are colonies of turtles and cormorants that were suffering due to the lack of water, so the gates were opened to let water in to get the lake almost back to normal. Whatever the reason, it was good to bark at the waves and chase them away, even if they did keep coming back.
We left Barmera, stopped at Karoonda to see the big concrete Ram and have a leg stretch and were home just as the storms came in. KnK had to unpack in the rain, but I supervised from inside the house.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Back on the road and at Barmera for the dog trials. I had to stay in the back of the Navara while KnK got on with judging. I climbed up on top of the soft crate and stayed there. I could see out easily and it was soft to sleep on!
Lots of dogs and people to play with, not much time left so I will make the best of it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Home Early

Curdimurka looked like it was invented so that map makers would not have a blank spot on their maps, because there is nothing there apart from the remains of a railway station. It used to be an important stop on the old Ghan, but now there is empty space surrounded by nothing.
We had to come home early, so Keith could get medicine. I suggested he eats grass, but we could not find any.
We will be off to the Riverland soon, so my travels will continue then.

Lake Eyre

Here I am at Lake Eyre. I am probably the first Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever to see Lake Eyre.
It has been a busy time with the traveling, and I get to play in lots of new areas and meet lots of people.
I have my own play area at the caravan, and we go for lots of walks. Keith says we have to or I would destroy the caravan. Don't know what he means by that.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Rock Art

We went down the dirt tracks today, over hills and valleys, across creeks and through all sorts of places. I was not allowed out of the car at some places, but the pic shows me at the information site near Arkaroola. Not much information, just these Aboriginals carved out of rock pointing towards the Flinders ranges. We were late starting out because Keith had to buy another tyre for the Navara, that’s two in two days, and he keeps muttering about 'bloody Portuguese tyres', so I just kept out of the way.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Leigh Creek

Here I am at the Leigh Creek Caravan park. There is a big open space across the road where I go for a run with lots of kangaroos out there but they all run away when I turn up. We are going to see some more of the sights today, when Kathy finishes her work.
Had a play with Zoey the Corgi this morning, she was in the van near to us but she is moving on today.
Got to go, we are getting ready to move.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Touring Up North

I have been in the caravan or a couple of days now, it is great meeting new people and seeing new things. The picture shows me at the ruins of a town called Farina on the road to Maree.
Traveling is good, I just lie down in my travel bed, nod off, and suddenly we are there. I have had lots of walks in all sorts of places, met lots of people and had a great time. The only down side is, if I bark I get in trouble. What do they expect from a 5 month old dog?

Monday, July 27, 2009


I went to visit Audrey the Scottish Deer Hound on the weekend. She is BIG, but gentle. We played for hours. Audrey had to lie down so I could reach her and when we did play chasey she could run a lot faster than me, but I could duck under things where she could not go.
There were lots of people there too, but they were looking at a human puppy that was asleep most of the time. People kept taking turns in holding him, so they left me to play with Audrey. Later on another Deer Hound came, so there were three of us running around. Slept like a log that night.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Dog Shows

I won the best Toller in the show! Not another dog came near me, in fact, no other dog turned up, but that still makes me the Best Toller in the show!
Kathy took me round the ring and all I had to do was look good and wag my tail at the judge. Easy.
We had another show in the afternoon, and I won Best Toller in that one too. Not surprising really, look at the photo of me trotting round the ring.
Keith did a video of me in the Baby Puppy class and has put it in Video links. It may take a while to load, so if you have a slow connection, go and make a coffee while it loads.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Social Whirl

I have been very busy lately visiting and having visitors. Not all dogs want to play all the time, and they get a bit grumpy so I have to slow down a bit.
I was at the Trial on the weekend, I got lots of walks with Karen, Sally and Barbara while K&K were busy, then got poked and prodded by Jessie as a practice for a Show that is coming up soon.
By the time we got home, I was worn out and barely had enough energy left to eat my dinner.
I like the Navara. If I sit up I can see out of the window, I can stretch out in my travel bed and it fits well on the back seat, so when I get in I don't want to get out. Keith had to drag me out last time.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Vehicle

Here I am in the back of the Nissan Navara STX. We had to get a new car so that all my stuff could fit when we go away in the caravan. I need my trolley, beds, blankets, towels and all the things a girl just can not travel without. K and K also need some stuff, so when their stuff and my stuff were stuffed in the Xtrail, well, we were stuffed for room. If you want to buy the Xtrail, see Edwin at Unley Nissan and tell him Tiffany sent you, but be quick.
The Navara has long range tanks so we could get to Sydney without refueling, and we have a canopy ordered for the back.
I will be traveling in the cab in my travel bed, where the air conditioning works. There was no suggestion that I would ride in the back with the equipment, I was just posing for the photo!

Monday, June 15, 2009


I have started to get my Big Dog coat. Long hairs on my ears, tail and legs and there are lots of new long hair on my body. Kathy keeps combing out the puppy fur, but there is still lots of it left.
I got a new ball a few days ago. It rolls about, but it also has handles all over it so I can get my teeth into it. K&K keep throwing it away then tell me to fetch it. I do a few times, but if they really want it, why do they keep throwing it away?
We have been to lots of new places where I can explore and meet new people and dogs. The trouble is, after about twenty minutes I have to have a lie down for a while.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Baths - or The 'B' word

I go to so much trouble getting my perfume right, mixing partially composted leaves, old flowers, essence of birdlime and that elusive eau de possum, until it is perfect. I get my fur with just enough knots and sticky bits to be fashionable, and then they come along and bath me! The soap has a terrible smell and I lose all my street cred. How can I face other dogs if I look like a fuzz ball and smell like a French tart’s boudoir?
They even did a video showing the cruel and in-canine treatment. See the video link.

I had two days meeting dogs. At the dog trials there were lots of people and dogs queuing to see me. I had to turn them away in the end so I could get some sleep. Then after the trials we went to see Clara and Lottie, but Clara is getting on a bit and did not want to play.
A couple of days later I went to the dog club to meet more people and dogs. I went in a class so that Bev could tell Keith how to look after me, and I got to play with Millie the Labrador. Afterwards I went over to the trial dogs to watch Kathy putting them through the competition routines.

Over the back fence is the dog park. Now that the vaccinations are at full strength I can go out there for a walk. We don’t go far, just up to the creek then across to the oval and back home. There are a few owners that are not doing the right thing as there are quite a few ‘barkers’ eggs’ on the ground. It is not much fun for other users of the grounds to step in them and when the kids playing sport fall over and get a face full of yesterday’s Pedigree Chicken and Veg it upsets parents. If it happens too often then the council simply ban dogs from the area. Fortunately, most owners do the right thing, but there are always a few irresponsible dog owners.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Hole

Why is it that every time a hole appears in the lawn, I get the blame?
I was just minding my own business, outside, when I suddenly find I am being blamed for a hole that just spontaneously occurred near where the water from the washing machine is piped to the lawn. Why would they think it was me? The blackbirds are always digging under the leaves, the possums are running around all night, it could have been anyone, but I get the blame. My muddy feet and nose in the picture are just circumstantial evidence, not proof.
I have been declared out of quarantine, so I can go out to meet other dogs and people. I have been practicing wearing my collar and having short walks on a lead, so I will be out and about meeting all the people and dogs that have wished me well.

Friday, May 22, 2009

11 weeks and growing

Last week I went to see Dr. Sally. She poked and prodded me, gave me my final shots, and declared me fit and well. I already knew that, but Kathy needed the reassurance. I also got some treats, so I wont mind going back to see Dr. Sally.
My hidey-hole has been discovered! I can not cause panic by disappearing anymore. Keith found me on top of the storage box under the bed, mainly because I am getting too big to fit on there and I made a noise trying to get off.
Today I went for my first walk out side. I was on a lead and Keith and Kathy walked me on to the street, past the neighbours and across the street then home again. Not much of a walk, but K&K seemed pleased. They even gave me a biscuit when I got back. It doesn't take much to make them happy.
The picture shows me jumping off the edge of the patio on to the lawn. My best jump is to run into the lounge, jump on to Kathy's sewing box, then onto the arm of her chair and land on her lap. Keith said I am the perfect dog for 18 hours a day. The rest of the time I am awake.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Scary Things

Every dog needs a hobby, and I have discovered the Joy of Leaves. I have started a Leaf Collection and already have lots of them. The pic shows me selecting a particularly fine example. My leaves are all kept by my bed, but somehow they keep disappearing. I will have to keep an eye on them to see where they go.
There have been some scary things happening. Last night the TV started playing through the stereo system and that made the floor shake. Well I was off like a shot and hid under the bed and would not come out until it stopped. It does not normally do that, this time they were playing a DVD, maybe that was what did it.
Then today I was having a mid-afternoon nap when the floor started shaking again, but this time there was a high pitched whine as well. I saw Keith wrestling with this monster that was trying to run away, but Keith had hold of its tail and kept dragging it back. They went all over the carpet like that. When I got a chance, I slipped out to the garden and hid in the agapanthus. Eventually Keith must have won because he came and got me and there was no sign of the monster. Keith called it a Vacuum Cleaner. Maybe it is the Vacuum Cleaner monster that keeps stealing my leaf collection.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The First Week

I have been in my new home for one week now. There have been some visitors with presents, but as I have not had the Final Shots I can not go out much. The picture shows me wearing the bow I got from Auntie Wendy and Uncle David.

I have been asked so many times,"What is a Duck Toller?" so I have made a video to explain it. Just click on the link under 'Video Links' to the left of the page.

I have got a great game to play. I pretend to be asleep, then when no one is watching I sneak away to my hidey hole and they can't find me. I can stay in the hidey hole for ages while Keith runs round the house looking for me! Great fun.

Car trips are allowed, so I have been out to the shops to buy my food, and a trip to see Kathy at work. Its not too bad, except I get locked up in a cage so I can not walk about and help with the driving.

Well, its time for dinner, so I had better go and make sure they get my food ready.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Home of My Own

I have moved in to my new home. It was a bit scary the first night but I have got the servants to understand my needs, so that the Saturday and Sunday nights were much better.
When I used play with my brothers and sisters we would bite and tug at each other. The servants can't play like that, they bleed too easily, so I have to learn to be gentle with them.
I got a toy from Freki, he must be my secret admirer because I have not met him yet. It's a good toy because I can bite and tug at it and it does not bleed, and it keeps me company when I go to bed.
The garden is a great place to explore. I found a row of box plants that needed trimming so I pruned one down to a better size. The picture shows me just as I finished the topiary cut.
I have my own door so that I can go in and out when I please, but the servants keep shutting it for some reason. Maybe they think an eagle will grab me if I am out side on my own, or I might start gardening again.

Well it is past time for my early aftenoon nap, so I have to go.

Monday, April 27, 2009


My first trip in a car, so they took me to a Vet. Some total stranger sticks sharp things in me, pokes me in all sorts of places, forces things down my throat, then thinks that giving me a bit of liver will make up for everything. Well I fixed him, I savaged his stethoscope.
I now have inoculation against all sorts of diseases and a microchip so that I can be easily returned home if I get lost.
Only a few days to go before I move out from my parents into my own place. My new servants came to see me yesterday so I had to spend time showing them around and teaching them how to play. Its so hard breaking in new staff.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am Tiffany, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, aka a Toller, born on 7th March which makes me a Pisces. (Although how lumps of rock and balls of gas spinning round a nuclear explosion millions of kilometers away would know anything is beyond me.)
At the moment I am still living with mum, but I will be moving out to my own place as soon as I am old enough, about two weeks time.
My job is to eat, sleep and annoy as many people as possible while I am still cute enough to get away with it.
I am being groomed for a life of luxury; food constantly available, lavish affection from all around, travel when ever I want, all my whims catered to, and all I have to do is look pretty and bark at the postman once in a while.

I will keep this blog updated as a record of the events in my life
