Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hannah - Snooker Dog

Hannah passed her third Snooker Novice trial and has earned her Snooker Dog (SD) title. We were both running at the same time so we did not get a picture of her run, but she made it with 13 points in the points accumulation period, 3 more than she needed to pass. I was in Snooker Excellent and I did it perfectly. Every jump as directed, well under the time, but Dopey Dad sent me over the wrong jump so I did not pass. It is so hard to train a human!. The pic shows us just finishing the Strategic Pairs Excellent class, we finished just 0.05 seconds over the time, so we non qualified in that. It has become the story of our lives, so close but no cigar. Hannah's SD title is our first pass in ages, so maybe things are on the improve.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Playtime for pups

Velvet, Starsky and Billy came to visit us today. Velvet is only a few weeks old and was too small to play with us, she just hung on to her mum and stared in amazement at what we were doing. Billy the Briard was a bit big to play with the pups and went for a sleep after a few runs. Starsky is still a pup, but he is old enough to play, so we played chasey, hide in the bushes, jump on the humans and try to get the most treats. When they went the three of them were asleep before they got to the end of the road.
We were in the Agility trials on Saturday. I was doing well until Keith got over confident on the weaving poles and turned away too soon, so I missed the entry. We had a mix up in the Jumping ring too so we did not get a pass, but we went very close. Hannah was doing well on her runs but she managed to make a mistake in each one, so she did not get a pass either. The good news is we both did much better than we did at the last trials, so we are getting better. Next week it is Strategic Pairs and the Games trials.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Agility Trials

We were at the Agility trials on the weekend at SAODC. We were very consistent, 8 runs and 8 fails.
The pic shows Hannah racing out of the tunnel while Kathy steers her to the next jump. Hannah got a fault free round, but was over time for this run. On my first run, Hannah was also running in the next ring. I heard Kathy a couple of times which distracted me, and Hannah heard Keith call me just as she was entering the weaving poles and that caused her to lose concentration and get a refusal. That was our best chance of a pass.
We did have some good runs, but we have not had a lot of training during the summer. Next time will be better, especially if the weather cools down a bit for us.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

State Championships.

Here we are at the State Championships for Rally and Obedience. How did we go? We were not in it!
KNK were judging both days and they would not let us compete. Not fair. We could have at least had a go, but we did not get a chance. Everybody else was in the ring, Mac, Gracie, Billy, Freki, Maggie, Scout, Minnie even a Toller from Perth and his friend the Aussie Shepherd were allowed in, but not us. We had walks with Barbara and Karen, but it was not the same as competing. Next time KnK judge a State Championship we will bite them.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Rally Advanced.

Yesterday we were at the Gundog Club Rally Trial. We were in Advanced class, and we both passed, TWICE. The pic shows Hannah doing the 1 Step, 2 Steps, 3 Steps Backwards, and I am doing the  Send Over Jump, Handler Runs By station.
In my first run, Keith went the wrong way in the Spiral and had to call a Re-Try, but I managed to salvage the rest of the course and got a pass in the eighties, then in the second trial, Keith got it right and we made 90 points. Hannah got her 90 points in the first trial, but was feeling a bit tired after being out all day and lagged a bit which dropped her score into the eighties, but was still a pass, we need to get 70 or more to qualify.
Two passes each mean we now need one more Advanced pass to get our Rally Advanced title.

Friday, March 8, 2013

4 Yesterday

I was 4 yesterday, and I had a 2 day Birthday Party. KnK went off playing in the sand with the Navara, while Hannah and I went to Mac, Billy and Gracie's place and had a ball. Its Mac's birthday today, so it was a double celebration. We raided the toy box and played chasy, pinched some of Jessie's biscuits, frightened Ziggy when we sneaked through a door we were not supposed to go past and had a great time.
When Knk came to pick us up each night we were so ready to go to bed we hardly had time to lick them. Thursday night was supposed to be Agility training but we were too tired and so were KNK. Today is a rest day, we managed a token bark at the postman, but that was about it.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Strategic Pairs Games

We did it!. We were in Strategic Pairs in the Novice Class and we needed one more pass to get our Title. We are now Strategic Pairs Dog (SPD) dogs. Hannah usually runs first in Strategic Pairs but at the last minute we swapped and I did the first section. It paid off because we got through without a forced change and got second place too. See the video under Video Links on the left side of the page.
Hannah had a good night because she also passed in Snooker Novice, just one more pass for her title. I was doing well in Snooker Excellent until Keith lost count of how many reds we had done and sent me over the wrong jump.
Gamblers was a bit of a disaster for both of us, so we wont talk about that.