Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sashes and a Pass

I got another Pass in ADX with a Second Place at Warrnambool trials today, and a Second place non qualifying yesterday! (I missed a colour on the dog walk) Hannah had a blonde moment when she stopped in the Figure 8 in the Novice trial, but still got Second Place and a sash even though she did not qualify. The Pic shows us with our sashes and my card. I was in Masters Jumping and only dropped one bar, but because I fluffed about at a tunnel entrance I was also 0.12 seconds over time.
It was hot in the sun and neither of us really felt like working, but we did what we could to keep the humans happy.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tiffany's Birthday

Tiffany is 3 years old today. The pic shows us playing with her new toy. It was quite a good toy because it took all of ten minutes to get the squeak out of it, so now it is a tug toy for both of us.
We will be going for another walk along the coast, then back to the caravan for a nap and then tonight we are going training again at the dog club.
Tiffany shares her birth date with Rob Roy McGregor, a Scottish folk hero, David Koche TV financial guru, David Rumble SA judge and Mini Mac the Weimaraner.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Back in Training

We are at the Warrnambool Dog Club for some extra training. Tiffany had several runs round the agility ring and I went through the obedience. Tiffany did well but I was too excited by all the new sights, smells and sounds. Kathy hopes I will settle down by next Saturday.
We had a bit of excitement last night. Something went wrong with the caravan plumbing as hot water was being sprayed from under the sink. KnK were busy mopping up, shifting things and repairing the leak, so we kept quiet and waited for the mumbling to stop. All good dogs know there is a time to join in, a time to keep quiet and a time to make yourself invisible!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Seaside Walks

We are near the coast and can go for a walk along the path at the top of the sand dunes. Hannah is in the pic having a look at the sea when we stopped for a break. Everything smells different here, we get going on the walk then we have to stop to check out the wonderful new smells we find, but the humans get grumpy and don't give us long enough to do a thorough analysis.
We went to the Warrnambool dog club last night for some training and a big run.
After the long walks and the exercise, we slept like logs last night.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


We are on Holidays again. After last night's effort I am surprised we are still alive. I missed a colour on the dog walk and went sniffing in the Gamblers excellent, and missed a qualification by 2 points, then I missed a weaver and lost so much time that we failed Snooker too! The day was bad, it got to 41 degrees at 5pm and they delayed the start until 7:30pm. No wonder I did not do too well.
Well KnK still love us because they are taking us out in the caravan again. We got to Tailem Bend tonight and went for a walk by the river, then up the cliffs and back to the van park. The pic shows us at the top of the cliffs overlooking the river.
We are going to Warrnambool in Victoria, but we are taking the pretty way round, so it could take us until Wednesday to get there.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Life of Luxury

We have made another movie. It shows a typical minute from our lives where Hannah and I have fun at home.
We play chasey, we play fight, pose on our beds and I get to do my trick with the dog door. All this in just over a minute.
Click on the link under Video Links on the left of the page and sit back and watch. It is about 4 meg so it may take a while to load on a slow computer.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New year to all our readers.
We have joined in the celebrations with lots of food and fun. KnK started with prawn, scallop and salmon shashliks at about 4:30, and we got a taste too. Then they had Oysters Kilpatrick, we got some of the bacon, then about 8:00 they had calamari, and some for us. On top of that we had our dinner and Hannah's Home Made Biscuits.
We are now full as a boot and can't move. The bottle was just a prop for the photo, we don't drink alcohol, but KnK did! They had the white wine and a Whales Tail, that's a drink made from Bundaberg Liqueur Rum, Bundaberg ginger beer and cream.
The fireworks will be on soon, so I have to go, KnK will be asleep by the time the fireworks finish.
Hannah and I wish you all a Happy New Year, and hope to see you soon.