Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hannah's Show

Hannah has been in her first show as a Baby Puppy. There were two shows and she was the best Toller Baby Puppy both days. I taught her all the things she has to do in the show ring, but she forgot and went to play with the judges and started to gallop a bit in the triangle. Kathy soon brought her into line so there was no harm done. After all she is only 3 months old, and KNK could not even walk until they were 12 months old. The pic shows Hannah stretching out in her turn at the Triangle.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tiffany is recovering

Tiffany went away for most of Monday, and when she came home she was all floppy, sleepy and could not walk very well, a bit like Keith after he has had a Glenfiddich. She has been shaved on her leg and has stitches in her belly. She was a lot better today, but KNK won't let us play. The pic shows us lying quietly in the sun on the back lawn.
Keith said she has been converted from a Miss to a Ms. and she will be back to normal soon. I just want my big sister back so we can play again.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Agility Trials

Tiffany here, last night I was in the Jumping and Agility trials. We were doing really well until we came to the second jump. I went round it on the first attempt, then got it on the second try. The next section of the course was great, the pic shows me touching the colour on the way off the dog walk. After the weaving poles we had 4 jumps to go but Keith got in my way and I went over the wrong jump, so that was the end of the trial. Not bad for the first attempt. We won't talk about the Jumping class, OK?
Hannah had an evening of being fussed over and patted by everyone. She is losing her puppy hair and is growing her big dog coat. Everyone thinks she is a beauty.
I am going into see Doctor Sally tomorrow to become a Neutered Dog, Not sure what that means, but it is bound to be good.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hannah here. We got a bone to chew. It was so big we had an end each and did not get in each others way. It was too big really, so Keith cut it up into smaller pieces and gave us a piece each. That started fun and games, because whatever I have, I always want what Tiffany has, and what ever Tiffany has, she always wants what I have. So for the next half hour we were continually swapping bones until Keith could not stand the noise any more and separated us. At least I got to chew in peace for a while.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Caravan

This is Hannah's first time in the caravan, and she loves it. We are playing with the new toy we got from Freki, well we got one each but we always play with the one toy.
Hannah has picked up a couple of nick-names. Some called her Buddha because she looks a bit plump with all that puppy hair, but she is quite trim under it all. Her other nick-name is Bat Dog, because if you say her name over and over, quickly, it sounds like the Batman theme. Try it, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Bat Dog! ........ Now you will be humming the Batman theme for the rest of the day!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sherbrooke Highway Hannah

Hi. This is Hannah the Toller, or Sherbrooke Highway Hannah if you need my formal name. The pic shows me testing my new cushion I got from Jessie, Billy, Big Mac and Gracie. You can see my coat is getting darker and I am not so fluffy.
Tiffany is in the dog house. A couple of weeks ago she was in a dog trial and got up in the down stay, then in the afternoon trial went even worse. Last night Keith took Tiffany training, and she got up in the down stay again! Keith is not happy. Tiffany had her electric blanket turned down as a punishment.
My 12 weeks in quarantine are up on Friday so I will be allowed out to meet all the other dogs and people that have wished me well. We will be at the Gundog Club show and trial on Saturday, then next week I can go to the dog clubs too.
Look out world, Hannah's coming.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Since Hannah arrived we have been inseparable. I have shown her how to dig holes, how to play chasey, how to get in and out of the house through the dog doors, but I did not have to teach her how to eat! She can eat her own weight in dog biscuits in 10 seconds. If eating was an Olympic sport, Hannah would be the Gold medalist.
I have been under the weather recently with a tummy wog, and Hannah was a bit off colour too. I was supposed to see Dr. Sally to get a special award. I was going to be made a Neutered Dog but that will have to wait now until I am fully recovered.

Blogspot has a Stats link that shows where the readers of the blog come from. Hello to all the readers in Australia, UK, America, Canada, Russia, Netherlands and Saudi Arabia.
I did not realise I was so popular.