I go to so much trouble getting my perfume right, mixing partially composted leaves, old flowers, essence of birdlime and that elusive eau de possum, until it is perfect. I get my fur with just enough knots and sticky bits to be fashionable, and then they come along and bath me! The soap has a terrible smell and I lose all my street cred. How can I face other dogs if I look like a fuzz ball and smell like a French tart’s boudoir?
They even did a video showing the cruel and in-canine treatment. See the video link.
I had two days meeting dogs. At the dog trials there were lots of people and dogs queuing to see me. I had to turn them away in the end so I could get some sleep. Then after the trials we went to see Clara and Lottie, but Clara is getting on a bit and did not want to play.
A couple of days later I went to the dog club to meet more people and dogs. I went in a class so that Bev could tell Keith how to look after me, and I got to play with Millie the Labrador. Afterwards I went over to the trial dogs to watch Kathy putting them through the competition routines.
Over the back fence is the dog park. Now that the vaccinations are at full strength I can go out there for a walk. We don’t go far, just up to the creek then across to the oval and back home. There are a few owners that are not doing the right thing as there are quite a few ‘barkers’ eggs’ on the ground. It is not much fun for other users of the grounds to step in them and when the kids playing sport fall over and get a face full of yesterday’s Pedigree Chicken and Veg it upsets parents. If it happens too often then the council simply ban dogs from the area. Fortunately, most owners do the right thing, but there are always a few irresponsible dog owners.