Merry Christmas to all our friends and their humans.
We have been very quiet for a long time due to many reasons. The pandemic stopped us from travelling, Keith had his feet operated on which also kept us home, and then Tiffany has cancer in her bladder that has caused us lots of problems.
Tiffany has been on chemotherapy for 400 days now, which is much longer than the vet expected. She is good at the moment. Apart from a need to pee frequently and getting tired quickly, you would not know there is anything wrong with her.
I have had a brief spell in the Vet Hospital when I had a melanoma cut off my nose. They got all of it so there should not be any further problems.
We are both retired from competitions now. Our hobbies are chasing the feral cats on the block, barking at the Garbos when they pinch our rubbish and reminding KnK when we are due for a feed.
Tiffany and I hope everybody has a safe and happy holiday period and that next year is better than the last.