Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Dual Champion Hannah SDX

Hannah is a Dual Champion now. At the last Tracking trial, Hannah passed her Track 8 with a Good rating and is now a Tracking Champion. She was already a Conformation Champion, so now she is a Dual Ch.(T) We went tracking a couple of weeks ago. I got my Track 7 so I am just one track behind Hannah. The Championship tracks are not easy. We have to find the track from among a lot of other smells created by people milling about at the start, then we have to track 1.2 kilometres with several acute angle turns, find 3 socks and the t-shirt at the end. Add in the kangaroo and rabbit tracks, the wind, rain and cold weather and you can see it is not just a walk in the park.
The photo shows Hannah doing a practice track wearing her Tracking Harness as she leads Kathy round the track. Underneath are Hannah's 3 certificates she was issued with, all on the same day. The certificates are, her Dual Champion title, her Tracking Champion, and her Snooker Dog Excellent Title. Hannah got her SDX at the Agility Nationals but we only just applied for the title.