Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hannah's First Masters Agility Pass

Hannah has got her first pass in Masters Agility. It was at Whyalla nearly 2 weeks ago, but Keith has been a bit slack in getting this posted. We have moved house so we are not sure where we will sleep as we keep going back to the old house to get things.

Hannah did a beautiful run, holding her line well and only briefly barking at Kathy during the run. There is a video on the left side bar under video links so everyone can see how well she did the course. Did it with time to spare too.

The pic shows Hannah in the Weaving Poles, zigging and zagging through every gap.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Royal Games

Hannah passed her Excellent Snooker class at the Royal. She took it steady with Kathy running a controlled course and Hannah just kept going at a steady rate and got round within the time. To qualify Hannah had to get 15 points in the Point Accumulation period of 45 seconds, and she got 19. Then in the Closing round she went through as steady as a rock with no mistakes. The photo shows Hannah clearing the last obsacle, which was the bar from the Tunnel/ Bar combination.
I was not so lucky. I did my run first and showed everybody how to get 19 points without too much stress. Lots of people followed my plan. Then in the closing round I got all the way round to the "Pink" obstacle and headed for the last "Black". There was another bar in the way and I jumped that one trying to get to the tunnel quicker. Keith usually directs me, but this time he was a bit late turning and I was already commited to the bar. Well within the time, but no pass.
We did Gamblers too, but it was a very difficult Gamble that nobody passed, so we did not feel too upset about failing that one.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Adelaide Royal Show

The family at the Royal Show Agility Trials
Hannah, Tiffany, Rio (dad) Murphy (uncle) Karri (sister).
We had a great time with everybody at the show, Hannah barked at the judge, the crowd and the camera person during her runs and got distracted by the noise and excitment of the show so did not do her best in her runs. I did a good run in Jumping, clear round but 2+ seconds over time. I did get within 3 seconds of Rio and 6 seconds of Skye (who is very fast) so I did not do too badly. In the Agility I was doing well untill I missed a weaving pole. I had just come out of a tunnel into the light and I could not see the poles, Keith saw me blinking and squinting as I went towards the poles. The rest of the course was a training run and I finished well inside the time.
One more night to go, doing Gamblers and Snooker, tonight.