Sunday, August 31, 2014


We are back home again. It was a long ride home from Katherine with just overnight stops. The last night away was at Woomera where we went for a walk past a free museum of the Woomera Rocket range. The pic shows us posing in front of a Canberra Bomber, but there were lots of rockets and a Meteor jet plane as well.
We had a bit of excitement in the middle of the night before at Cadney Station, when a water pipe broke in the van. The floor was wet and Tiffany had to wake up KnK to fix it. It pays to have a human around when something goes wrong.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pine Creek Railway

Look at us on this really old train at Pine Creek. A long time ago this narrow gauge train ran between Larrimah  and Darwin but it is now just a museum piece. We stopped at Pine Creek on our way to Katherine where we stayed over night. Next day just after we started out, there was a big bang and we had to stop because the caravan had broken the other suspension spring. KnK were on the phone, muttering strange words, and eventually a big truck came and took the van away. KnK are staying in a cabin, but we are not allowed inside! Lucky for us it is warm at night. We will have to sleep in the car tonight. We hope the van gets fixed soon.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Last Day in Darwin

Our last day in Darwin is today. We move on to travel down the west coast of Australia tomorrow so we will be leaving all our new friends behind.
Last night was the last night of trials where we had a little success. I got a Gamblers Excellent Qualification in 1st place which was my 5th pass  making me a Gamblers Dog Excellent (GDX) dog, and a Jumping Dog Open qualification, also in 1st place. Hannah got a Snooker Dog Excellent pass in 2nd place too. The pic shows us with our sashes and trophies.
We have had good time in Darwin. We lived in a tent for a week while we waited for the caravan to be fixed, we competed in the Darwin Royal Show and also in 2 local trials and trialed and trained with lots of dogs. We had a few trips out to see the sights and have a run in the warm sunshine.
It is sad to leave our friends behind, maybe we will come back one day to play with them again.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Freds Pass Trial

The trials at Fred"s Pass are over with no passes for either of us. The pic shows Hannah doing the See Saw, all her feet on the contact colour and the Up End firmly on the ground. She got that one right. Keith has been working at putting up Solar panels on roofs, and we missed training for the week before, so we were not fully coordinated. I popped weaving poles, missed contact colours and dropped bars all week end, and Hannah had troubles with tunnels. That should fix them for not taking us training!