Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Happy New Year everybody. We spent New Year's Eve at a dog trial in Gawler, and Hannah won the Agility Dog Excellent class with her fourth qualification towards her title. The pic shows us lying on the Beach Lounge that she won. It was a hot night, I was the first dog to run in Agility Masters, but it was too hot for me, and when we got round to Jumping Masters at about 2:00 AM I was too tired to run, as was Hannah, so we did not do very well at all.  Keith judged Rally and was busy for most of the night. Hannah got her excellent run at just the right time, the temperature had cooled down a bit, and she was ready for a run. The course flowed nicely with some tricky bits but Hannah got round it very well with Kathy steering her through the twists and turns. She had a bit of a moment approaching the Weaving Poles, but it all went smoothly in the end with her completing the course well under the time.
We got home about 4:00, went to bed and did not move until noon today, thankfully New Year's Eve is only once a year!