Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ch.Tiffany CD, AD, and JD

My big sister Tiffany has passed another trial and got more letters after her name. She is now a Jumping Dog, and she did it with a First Place! The pic shows her with her sash and trophy. The run went well and Keith did not forget to change sides. He did get behind because he has a cold and could not breathe, shout or run fast, but Tiffany waited for him to catch up at the Tunnel and they got round in the fastest time.
I could not be there to see her pass as I am still in quarantine because of my SRMA. I am on less steroids now and I am putting on weight, but my immune system is still not up to strength so I have to stay home with Kathy. Maybe next week I can start going out again, and then I can get letters after my name, just like Tiffany.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hannah on the mend.

Hannah went to see the vet today and has had her steroids reduced. This means that she is being weaned off the steroids so her immune system can start working again. It is a slow process that will take a long time, but at least she is on the mend. It will still be a couple of weeks before she can go out and mix with the other dogs.
She gets very tired easily, and needs to put on some weight, but you can see from the picture she is looking good.
We have had a quiet week end with just us and Kathy.
Keith disappeared again, this time for 4 days, while he went to WA and we had to stay home. Maybe next year we will all get to visit the West.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Super Models

We have got new coats for the winter. Hannah and I are shown modelling the coats in the photo. The coats cover our backs to keep us warm and dry, but are short enough to let us run about unrestricted. The coats also cover Hannah's bald spot where she was shaved. It took ages to get the photo shoot, we had to get dressed up, then posed, but it was worth the effort. Do you know there are millions of females in the world, but only half a dozen Super Models? That is half a dozen Super Models and two Tollers now!
All the results are back from Hannah's tests. She has SRMA, it did not come from her fur mum, it was possible that she has had it for a long time and the crash into the clothes line stirred it up, but basically, no body knows how she got it or why. Her immune system took a dislike to the lining of her spinal cord and started to attack it. The Steroids will fix it, but it will take a long time. In a few months she will be back to normal but in the meantime we have to be careful with Hannah.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hannah and SRMA

I am feeling a lot better than I was last week. Tiffany has been very gentle with me as I could not move my neck and it hurt whenever I moved. Thanks to the drugs I am on, we can play a bit again which is making both of us happy. The pic shows where they shaved my back so that they could do a Spinal Tap to draw fluid from my spine and send it off for analysis. The results are still not back yet, so I am still on the temporary treatment. They think I have Steroid Responsive Meningitis Arteritis or SRMA. The link will take you to a report from the University of Glasgow that explains what it is, if you can understand the big words. Not many people had heard of it before although there is a lot of information on the web about it. There is no clear cut cause, the diagnosis is often mistaken for ear problems or physical injury so it is difficult to identify. It looks like I will be on steroids for a long time with regular check-ups. Keith said the vet ordered a new Mercedes as soon as we left the surgery. Not true, it was a Lexus.
Tiffany had a good day on Sunday, she passed her first Novice Gamblers trial and just missed one colour on the dog walk for the closing sequence of the Snooker trial.